Tommorrow sees the start of Team Goal term 3. Created in the summer of 2003 Team Goal is a tough fitness club, it's a weapon to use against the evils of the beer and breaded goods, but most of all it's a state of mind, a 'way of life'

I've had a diasterous past month and my focus is not what it used to be. so with a new term ahead of me, i'm excited about tomorrow's new start.

If you need any proof, TG's greatest success story was a race around a kiddies park i won against a national basketball champion! We get results!

TG is committed to offering the highest quality personal training services. we provide the expertise to help our members reach their goals. although we currently have no members i'm confident when people see my new slender look they will be eager to sign up.

If anyone would like to recieve information and a TG starter pack, leave your name and address and you'll recieve them ASAP. +for a limited time we are offering a pair of FREE TG socks! remember...Team Goal saves lifes.

"Team Goal...building a beautiful body"


JJJH said...

so far it's goin well, just ate a banana. now i'll hop on the exersize bike, see u in hell fatties!