It only took 3 weeks to get sorted in this new flat of mine, not long really considering how many boxes of useless junk i have collected over the years. finding a home for the junk is tricky, junk does'nt usually come in neat it needs to be gathered together with other simliar themed junk then labelled appropiately for future generations to discover (and convert to digital files, files which will then get downloaded by future wierdo's who get excited by other peoples trash. not me!). back to the present..this mass of junk then must be stored away in the darkest corner in the room never to be touched for the rest of the time spent in the flat.

so, having just finished arranging my room and feeling great about it, i turn to my 'life' notebook where i've been reminded that i have alot still to achieve, and what with big brother finally over i can now achieve it! the last few weeks my mind's been occupied with my new job, flat, and housemates (who insist on sharing things?? how queer. no one eats off my plate but me!). my mouth's been occupied with junk too..this Mcflurry addiction needs to be addressed before it's too late and i'm breaking into Mcdonalds at 3am raiding that ice cream/bleach sloppy mix. the new job is..erm..ok. i've made a few boo boos and on one occasion had to erase the simple error (that anyone could have done) of sticking the wrong label on the wrong box by driving the box of business cards for 15 hours around most of the country before finally ending up in a birmingham printers at 1am. when i'm not screwing everything up, i'm either sat at my computer screen (alien thought i know) waiting for the day to end or stuck in traffic looking absoultely nothing like what a real white van man should. i'm not a fan of the printing business, especially when i don't get to see much of the green paper ($$$). here's the thing..if i can't earn money by doing my own thing (what's that?)..if i HAVE to have a job, i want a job where i can switch off and dream about this n that and not have think about the price of paper. oh by the way..i am NOT Tim from the office.

TV On The Radio 'Dirtywhirl'