BB (Day 22)

I'm a little tired with Big Brother so far this series. I've not mentioned anything about it so far have i? "Deal with it!" as Tracy would say. I'm also worried if i start writing about Charley she'd find out somehow and beat me up. Most night's i find myself doozing off when the (Charley) arguments start. The funniest moment so far was definatly Shabnam's eviction (below), god i hated that rat face!


delifinger said...

shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - I love you all - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - shamone - sorry if I hurt any one of you - shamone - shamone - a to the a to the b to the b - I dont know what I'm doing....shamone.
