Oh i wish it was as easy as my last post. I really can't be bothered to write a load of piffle about last weekend. Trouble with blogging is (apart from coming across as a self obsessed bore) if you don't do it straight away it hangs over you like a school essay on a sunday night..when all you really wanna do is watch 'Lovejoy' and play on your Amiga 500. In this business you either blog or die! My housemate has been moaning this morning that i'm a "bad bad blogger" i suppose he's right, i've been pretty slack this last month or so. Usually if you you don't see an update for a week or so it means i'm out having a good time. If i post 5 or more doodles in a day i'm sat in my joggers, drinking fruit tea..crying. However lazy i've been it's nothing compared to my housemates, here are their digital graveyards.. LH / JN . Well from now on i'm gonna try harder and keep this thing (whatever it is?) moving along.

Sooo moving along! last weekend. Next to me is a big bag full of wet muddy gear that i'm gonna have to stick in the wash after i've finished here. Actually it would make sense to pop it in now wouldn't it? yep back in a minute..

Back again! Ohhh..i really don't wanna do this Glastonbury review/report thingy. Hanging out in the laundrette seems more appealing right now. Must....fight....on.....can't....give..up!

See you tomorrow for part 3. Yawn.