GREEN MAN (The Report)

Probably the nicest, friendliest, and wettest festival i've ever been too..definitey not the muddiest though (Glastonbury last year served up masses of Sarah Lee Gateau). As they usually do..lot's of wierd, stupid and embarrasing things happened to me that i won't go into here because i have recently become more worried about posting pictures of poo and whatnot seeing as i have a new job starting soon. I'm still a bit worse for wear now so you can imagine how fast i was driving. We bumped into alot of nice people including our friends at Fence which is always a joy! We got there Saturday so missed alot of good stuff including James Yorkston, King Creosote, Spiritualized, F*** Buttons, & Cave Singers which was dissapointing. We also somehow (well i have a good idea why) missed a load of stuff i REALLY wanted to see like.. Junior Boys, School Of Language, Archie Bronson Outfit, Little Wings & David Holmes (although i might have seen him?).

But what did we see!?? Musical highlights over the rest of the weekend included (in order of how much i enjoyed them)..

Wild Beasts (wooooo!! got told off during them for singing and dancing too loud),
Super Furry Animals (got told off during them for bouncing to loud),
The Three Craws..which for those who don't know are King Creosote, James Yorkston, & Pictish Trail..with help from Pip Dylan on Box (that i wanna get to play live with, i asked him about buying one as he makes them..£100 though),
Caribou, The National, Laura Marling, Radio Luxembourg, The Accidental, Babel, Iron & Wine, The Peth.

There are't that many photos as my friend's camera gave up after day 1.

CLICK HERE to see ALL the Green Man photos over on BEANSNAPS.

Wild Beasts..
Thanks to G.Jones who took all the photos.

Here's a nice little video made by Love.Stop.Repeat that pretty much sums up how great Green Man is (look out for the mud surfing)..

Below are a few videos filmed by other people at the festival..

* Wild Beasts..

* King Creosote (stealing my bowl-haircut-wig idea that i wasn't brave enough to pull off)..

Wig Out backstage

* The Three Craws..

* James Yorkston

* School Of Language

* Laura Marling

* F*** Buttons..