Today i've been thinking about why i blog. there's no real point, i don't get anything out of it. soo..i'm shutting this damn blog down! oh no i'm not, this is my job. posting potty pen marks, page 3 heads, and pathetic grammar. what is this blog all about? i don't have a main theme like other one's..i dip in here and there, i may post a picture i drew on a crisp packet, comment on the new Westlife album, express my anger at my posh-toff neighbours, or (as i do most days) sit blankly at the screen trying to think of the next word to enter (enter). i visit quite a lot of other blogs on a daily basis and waste alot of time reading about this 'n that..some are good, others are not. worse of all are one's that never get updated. come on nerds! it's your job. i hope people like to visit beansonbread (i'm fishing here) and don't think i'm too dumb. i don't claim to be right bang up to date on everything like most of the great music/film/gossip blogs out there, or give away free mp3's (although i must big up the FREE Olo Radio which plays the newest, hottest, manic tunes out there..surely one of the best podcasts about?..plug over). the main point i set out to make was to make clear that beansonbread is just a dumping ground for me, my thoughts, and stuff that makes me happy, tap my toes, chuckle, or when i'm out in asda..makes me say "where's my pen? i gotta note that down. my friend the internet will like that". kinda selfish i know..but who's gonna stop me? you can't! rah ha ha ha! who wants Alan Titchmarsh pics?


Anonymous said...

Dont be frettin' about a bigger theme, fool. You seem to have a life outside of this blog so keep on keepin on... I loathe all those self-important blogs that make out either that they're the voice of a nation or that suggest hey!-I've-got-a-kooky-but-true-perspective-on-things. I'd much rather see what sort of trivial minutiae amuses people on a daily basis - being amused by trivial minutiae is what gets me through my day...

JJJH said...

hello robosk..who are u? do i know u? u made some good points there

Anonymous said...

no, you don't know me. am just one of the silent observers. only less sinister than that sounds...