Last week i saw Good Shoes, Xerox Teens, Rose Kemp, You & The Atom Bomb, & SJ Esau. reviews? erm..well..i really hate writing reviews. ok, very quickly then..

Xerox Teens - The Fall mixed with Jesus & Mary Chain (too young to know it).
Rose Kemp - powerful!
You & The Atom Bomb - Toe Tappin' Thigh Slappin' fun.
SJ Esau - Ramshackle Brilliance.
Good Shoes - i went on my own as no one belives they're anything more than a run-of-the-mill indie band. WRONG! although i did feel like i was addending an NME fashion shoot. i was the oldest person there! young scenesters everywhere! the only people older than me were the parents of the under 14s. they were so funny! when the moshing kicked off they got all protective and formed a human wall to save their children from the sweaty, spotty grease balls. Good Shoes were good, very good. hopefully the kids will get bored and move on.