The 1st in a series of old video clips which i'll be posting from now on. i love this clip soo much! it always makes me smile. it's from about 2 or 3 years ago, filmed by my mate Tom, it features big drunken fool James Davidson jumping in a pond (the reason is still not clear to this day?). We were at village fete type thingy, everyone else had gone home..we all stayed and drank and drank. i love my mate Stuart's stupid laugh. the next day the owner of the grounds found his statue (that gets pushed over by James) broken. James owed up as he felt guilty and was told he had to fix, who ya gonna call??..yep! me! James called me up (because as he told me "you've got the artistic touch"), few hours later we had mixed a load of concrete, and sculpted it to match the rest of the statue. good as new!


Anonymous said...

it's not possible to see what is going on in this video because it is too dark.

maybe you should run it through VirtuaDub and increase the brightness?

JJJH said...

cant be bothered. thanks for the thought though.

Anonymous said...

my memory of this event is even more hazy than the video!! Do what the guy says and "run it through VirtuaDub and increase the brightness" - go on!!!! James

JJJH said...

if only i knew what 'virtuadub' was?

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