Here are a few new videos, none of them doing anything wildly different but all nicely done.

i'm especially loving this lot at the moment..
* Cansei De Ser Sexy 'Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above'

* Jim Noir "Eanie Meany"

* Good Shoes 'All In My Head'

* Whirlwind Heat 'Reagan'

don't actually think this is that good, but its Chris Cunningham's first video in ages and worth mentioning..
* The Horrors 'Sheena is a Parasite'

here's the first in a series of adverts for the upcoming Bonnie Prince Billy album..
* 'The Letting Go (part 1)'


delifinger said...

That Cansei De Ser Sexy are proper good arent they, never seen the video before though. That short arse singer is quite nice really!

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.