we have some great guest podcasts lined up this year. i'm very excited about 1 or 2 possible one's..im just disscussing payment fees with them at the moment. this space u must watch.
2006 was a pop tastic year for us. we had some lovely guest mixes from..
steve mason (king biscuit time/black affair), james yorkston, tall pony, minotaur shock, safetyword, sj esau, blab, mike seed, hugo paris, fact fans, dub stations, cobra kai, countryside, mc quake, leckers, romanhead, mr tim, rich amino, jon hopkins, pippin, dgs, famous rob, chay, breakface, martipants, awesome wells, johnny cigarrettes, & mindseye.
and of course Delifinger, Lionheart, Seaweed and I had alot of fun (well..) making our own mixes.
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