Look who was in the Guardian on saturday!! clever mum = proud son. i was sat in asda smiling to myself, not really believing what was in front of my eyes. nice one mum! it was a great peice and a really good picture, you're looking quite smug there. half a page! you've done soo well (sob sob) and soo much better than me with your degree. i'll be lucky to complete the sun crossword let alone have a story printed inside. keep selling them funny looking hats and funding me with the payments.


JJJH said...

sorry, my scanner's not working very well at the moment. you can't really read the story.

Anonymous said...

Ha.... I know you'll come up trumps, you've got so much more imagination and creativity than I'll ever have! Anyone can make funny looking only have to stay sober long enough to get the ideas rolling!!

Mummy xx

Anonymous said...