Summer begins 21/6/07..over 2 months away! soo..PUT YOUR T-SHIRT BACK ON!..TAKE OFF YOUR SANDALS!..SETTLE DOWN!..BEHAVE!!
Anyway, as you will see from the photos below some friends and i did indeed enjoy a nice picnic. first though i had the embarrasing task of having to walk to the park with a BBQ, a football, and worse of all..two pale men in shorts carrying bags of meat. we looked soo obvious, there was no doubting what we were up to. if anyone WAS in any doubt my mate made sure they knew. he made us wait outside the kite store while he farted around inside looking for hacky sacks. oh my god.
The funfare was in town. nutters everywhere!
My king prawns!..
Now that's what i call picnic music 07..
Get as far away from people as possible..
Soccer! exciting scenes..
A few more pics can be found here.
Shootin' King Prawn..
Hacky sack, worst 'game' ever! here's the proof..
Lionheart puts out the BBQ with his own hose..
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