> woke up by a text message from (nasty) Nick Bateman (BB1) saying "please tweet and let all know i am on twitter" ...NO NICK!..oh.
> i have to step over a cyborg head, crash helmet, wrestling mask and Darth Vader to get to my computer desk.
> @jamesnation music and stuff, so i dont clog my blog with that kind of thing i post. want my normal blog to have more artwork on.
> today i walked in on an apprentice style business conference lunch. drew a fish but had to give it away.
> something happened..and it let a bit of the ol' paranoia back in.
> made myself laugh when i realised what i had just written (earlier in the day) as a message to my future self.. 'BUY A SPONGE FOR SHOWERING'.
> spent some time thinking up names for a friends new club night > Butt Melt / Ice Ing / Perfumed Peaks / Ox Arch / Ski Strip / Buffalo Prance.
> the main girl from Skins & film Tormented came into cinema 2day. i said to her "i've seen you REALLY BIG on screen in here!" she looked scared.
> kinda forced into shaking crazy dirty man's hand and couldn't leave the ticket gate for 30mins to wash it. he was proper mad..proper dirty!
> there were DJ's in Caboo Circus today!? REALLY loud..waaaay to loud. it was rubbish, there were only a few casual shoppers milling about.
> got an old video camera working and just watched an old short film i made with mates. its terrible. worst of all its really boring.
> toast & tea for dinner cos i'm lazy and it's too late to cook.
> watched Question Time,enjoyed it but there needs to be an eviction or vote-off or even a gunging @ the end of the show.there was no PAY-OFF!