BB10, I will love you like all the others as long as you promise to be the last. x

For the first time ever in Big Brother history i won't be drinking and staying up all night during this year's launch show. Work tomorrow, argh. It was a great tradition (very much like Wogan's during Eurovision) that i started way back at the BB2 launch. 1 large bottle of cheap whiskey, 1 bottle of Fanta (or Cherry Coke) and a mobile phone. These were my BB tools. I'd get really pissed and call and text people randomly about all the new housemates. Well, this year i'll be annoying THE WHOLE WORLD!..well actually just my followers on this here blog and Twitter. Yes, i'll be twittering? tweeting? away all night! I guess if you read this blog you will have noticed i joined up a while back and have been losing my mind on it ever since. Bring on THE LOONS!! Big Brother 10, hopefully the last, a perfect set, that would be nice. Right then, i'm just gonna make some sketti-on-toast now and then i'll be back online to bug you in a little while.

Follow my Big Brother 10 launch tweets HERE.