031009 > 041009

(photo by M.Lark)

> OLO recording session then Wild Beasts gig. today should be a good 'un!
> filming a Swiss cheese plant & Delifinger playing the Roobarb & Custard theme tune. wetting myself bout seeing Wild Beasts later.
> i could'nt do my 'elastic waste' vocal as i aint 'feeling it'. ha! im a diva! laid down some great gaffa tape though.
> recording the iphone now. we need a steal drum really.
> just recorded a underwater gurgle "you gotta fight!" with added plant pots, pans, deoderant spray, wisk, and big bad drum.
> why does my water taste like milk!?? its sick.
* The xx 'xx' - i cant stop it.
> drew a weird thing that i called 'VEC' on a czech girl's arm last night. 'Vec' in czech means 'thing'.i am soo clever i dont ever need to think..thingy
> danced like an idiot last night.
> ate a foot long meatball sub last night cos im a FAT GIT! naked i look like a pink plate of warm jelly.
> robots on the gadget show scared me.
> watching 'Beauty & The Geek'. they are playing american football. its well funny! "not alot of people get to meet geeks. they are amazing people" (Beauty & The Geek). off to see 'Invention Of Lying' at the cinema soon.
> peanut butter on toast & X Factor now i think.